Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I have been thinking about my family a lot lately and one of my favorite times of the day is when Riley and I say a prayer with Boston. We kneel by the side of his bed before he goes to sleep each night and take turns saying the prayer! I want Boston to know that Riley and I have a testimony of the gospel and that this is the true church. I know that our kids learn a lot from us by example. I find Boston saying and doing a lot of the things he sees me saying and doing. It's kind of scary because kids are so smart and they pick up on everything you do! I love the time Riley and I get to spend together after we put the kids to bed. The house it quiet and we just said good night to our precious little angels. This is the time when we get to catch up because our kids really take up a lot of our time and attention. One thing that Riley and I are working on is reading the scriptures each night. I know that by reading the scriptures together it strengthens our love for each other and for the gospel. I know...... all of this sounds really cheesy, but it has been on my mind a lot lately and I am just so grateful for my family!

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